
How to extend AspNet Identity to inform your app about user registration

AspNet Identity is a .NET library from Microsoft. It provides authentication and authorization for ASP.NET application. It is regularly developed and maintained. Moreover, together with .NET 8 Identity API endpoints was published. I decided to use it in my project, but I had a need to extend it. Are you interested it? Welcome.

My requirements

  1. I have decided to create separate API application for Auth, like I have describe it in one of my previous post . I use there ASP .NET Identity API endpoints.

  2. I need to execute something when user is registered. The case is described in post How to implement an invitation for a user that does not exist .

  3. I don’t want to change already created code if I don’t have to. Because the old code is working and it is well tested.


I am not going to describe how to configure ASP NET API Identity endpoints, because you can find the nice instruction on Microsoft’s page . But if it would be worth for you, let me know! I can describe it a bit simpler.

Let assume you have already configured the endpoints. Because there are not build in events in ASP.NET Identity we have to handle ourself. The core of ASP .NET Identity is UserManager. So you have to create a new class that inherits from UserManager. It can look like:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;

namespace CodePruner.Example.Auth.API;
public class ApplicationUserManager : UserManager<IdentityUser>
    private readonly IEventPublisher _eventPublisher;
    public ApplicationUserManager(
        IUserStore<IdentityUser> store,
        IOptions<IdentityOptions> optionsAccessor,
        IPasswordHasher<IdentityUser> passwordHasher,
        IEnumerable<IUserValidator<IdentityUser>> userValidators,
        IEnumerable<IPasswordValidator<IdentityUser>> passwordValidators,
        ILookupNormalizer keyNormalizer, 
        IdentityErrorDescriber errors,
        IServiceProvider services,
        ILogger<UserManager<IdentityUser>> logger,
        IEventPublisher eventPublisher)
        : base(
        _eventPublisher = eventPublisher;

    public override async Task<IdentityResult> CreateAsync(IdentityUser user, string password)
        var result = await base.CreateAsync(user, password);
        if (result.Succeeded)
            await _eventPublisher.PublishAsync("user.registered", new { UserId = user.Id, Email = user.Email });
        return result;

There are two things worth to indicate:

  • I have just overridden one method CreateAsync in a very simple way. Just execute the base code and publish an event.
    • Of course it can be any logic you want, but event is nice, because it can be handled in any place which need it
  • There is additional parameter IEventPublisher eventPublisher and rest of them are just passed to parent constructor.

Here is also an interface for IEventPublisher:

public interface IEventPublisher
    Task PublishAsync(string eventName, object value);

There is the last thing you have to remember. To register it in you IoC container:

services.AddScoped<UserManager<IdentityUser>, ApplicationUserManager>();

What next and summary?

With that solution you are open for new changes, like in Open-Close Principle from SOLID. I recommend it.

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